zkIgnite 3: Decentralized Identity Credentials

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zkIgnite 3: Decentralized Identity Credentials

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TrustChain, a developer protocol, endeavors to address issues of anti-counterfeiting, document security, and inefficient off-chain payments using blockchain technology. Their primary offering, ZK Smart NFC, integrates secure NFC technology with the Mina Protocol blockchain to provide innovative and secure solutions across various industries. Counterfeiting and document fraud pose significant challenges in industries such as fashion, food and beverage, and electronics, leading to revenue losses and consumer safety concerns. Traditional payment methods also suffer from slow processing times and high transaction fees. TrustChainā€™s proposed solution leverages ZK Smart NFC technology to combat counterfeiting and document fraud while improving payment efficiency. By integrating NFC technology with the Mina Protocol blockchain, TrustChain establishes a secure and immutable ledger for data verification. The NFC chip contains a secure private key inaccessible to external parties, and NFC data is encoded and stored in the Merkle Tree. The root hash of the Merkle Tree is then saved in a smart contract, ensuring data integrity and security. Nunu Nugraharja Discord ID: NunuTrustchain Read the original zkIgnite proposal here >