Mina Pay

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Mina Pay

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Project Overview

This project transforms payments within the Mina ecosystem by integrating NFC-enabled wristbands distributed at ETHGlobal. When users tap their wristband on an NFC reader, the system retrieves relevant user data from api.ethglobal.com, automatically creating an account and linking it to the wristband. Users can then utilize custom Mina tokens for fast, secure transactions.

The solution employs zk-rollups to enhance privacy and scalability, ensuring efficient operations with minimal computational overhead. Built using Protokit, it combines innovative technologies to deliver a seamless user experience while adhering to the principles of decentralization and trustlessness inherent to the Mina Protocol.

Development Details

The project leverages the Mina Protocol and Protokit to build a robust appchain utilizing Mina’s zero-knowledge proofs for fast and secure transactions. Key components include:

  • Frontend Development: Built using TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for smooth interaction with the appchain.
  • NFC Integration: Incorporated NFC readers to onboard users dynamically by fetching data from ETHGlobal APIs, securely linking accounts to wristbands in real-time.
  • Protokit: Streamlined the integration of custom logic and reduced development time by offering a modular framework for appchain creation.
  • zk-Rollups: Ensured scalability and privacy by minimizing computational overhead while maintaining transaction security.

This innovative implementation delivers a practical, user-friendly payment solution that bridges blockchain technology with real-world applications, setting a new standard for decentralized payment systems.